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h (noun) h
H (noun) H
H-bomb (noun) H-bomb
H-hour (noun) H-hour
ha (interjection) ha
ha'p'orth (noun) hap'orth
ha'penny (noun) ha'·pen·ny
ha-ha (interjection) ha-ha
ha-ha (noun) ha-ha
haček (noun) ha·Äek
Habacuc (noun) Ha·ba·cuc
Habakkuk (noun) Ha·bak·kuk
habanera (noun) ha·ba·ne·ra
habanero (noun) ha·ba·ne·ro
Habanero (noun) Ha·ba·ne·ro
habdalah (noun) habdalah
Habdalah (noun) Hab·da·lah
habendum (noun) ha·ben·dum
haberdasher (noun) hab·er·dash·er
haberdashery (noun) hab·er·dash·ery
habergeon (noun) ha·ber·geon
habile (adjective) hab·ile
habiliment (noun) ha·bil·i·ment
habilitate (verb) ha·bil·i·tate
habilitation (noun) ha·bil·i·ta·tion
habit (noun) hab·it
habit (verb) habit
habit-forming (adjective) hab·it-form·ing
habitability (noun) hab·it·abil·i·ty
habitable (adjective) hab·it·able
habitableness (noun) hab·it·able·ness
habitably (adverb) hab·it·ably
habitant (noun) ha·bi·tant
habitat (noun) hab·i·tat
habitation (noun) hab·i·ta·tion
habitative (adjective) hab·i·ta·tive
habitual (adjective) ha·bit·u·al
habitually (adverb) ha·bit·u·al·ly
habitualness (noun) ha·bit·u·al·ness
habituate (verb) ha·bit·u·ate
habituation (noun) ha·bit·u·a·tion
habitude (noun) hab·i·tude
habitue (noun) ha·bi·tue
habitué (noun) ha·bit·u·é
habitus (noun) hab·i·tus
haboob (noun) ha·boob
Habsburg (adjective) Habsburg
hacendado (noun) ha·cen·da·do
hachure (noun) ha·chure
hachure (verb) hachure
hachured (adjective) ha·chured
hachures (noun) ha·chures
hacienda (noun) ha·ci·en·da
haciendado (noun) ha·ci·en·da·do
hack (noun) hack
hack (adjective) hack
hack (verb) hack
hackamore (noun) hack·a·more
hackberry (noun) hack·ber·ry
hacker (noun) hack·er
hackery (noun) hack·er·y
hackie (noun) hack·ie
hackle (noun) hack·le
hackle (verb) hackle
hackler (noun) hack·ler
hackly (adjective) hack·ly
hackman (noun) hack·man
hackmatack (noun) hack·ma·tack
hackney (noun) hack·ney
hackney (adjective) hackney
hackney (verb) hackney
hackneyed (adjective) hack·neyed
hacksaw (noun) hack·saw
hacksaw (verb) hacksaw
hacktivism (noun) hack·tiv·ism
hacktivist (noun) hack·tiv·ist
hackwork (noun) hack·work
hadada (noun) ha·da·da
hadal (adjective) ha·dal
hadda (contraction) had·da
haddock (noun) had·dock
hade (verb) hade
Hadean (adjective) Ha·de·an
Hadean (noun) Hadean
Hades (adjective) Ha·des
hadith (noun) ha·dith
Hadith (noun) Ha·dith
hadj (noun) hadj
hadji (noun) hadji
hadron (noun) had·ron
hadronic (adjective) ha·dron·ic
hadrosaur (noun) had·ro·saur
hadrosaurian (adjective) had·ro·sau·ri·an
haecceity (noun) haec·ce·i·ty
haem (noun) haem
haemagglutination (noun) hae·mag·glu·ti·na·tion
haemagglutinin (noun) hae·mag·glu·ti·nin
haemal (adjective) hae·mal
haemangioma (noun) hae·man·gi·o·ma
haematemesis (noun) hae·ma·tem·e·sis

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