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aborning (adverb) aborn·ing
aborning (adjective) aborning
abort (verb) abort
abort (noun) abort
aborter (noun) abort·er
abortifacient (noun) abor·ti·fa·cient
abortifacient (adjective) abortifacient
abortion (noun) abor·tion
abortionist (noun) abor·tion·ist
abortive (adjective) abor·tive
abortively (adverb) abor·tive·ly
abortiveness (noun) abor·tive·ness
aboulia (noun) a·bou·li·a
abound (verb) abound
about (adverb) about
about (preposition) about
about (adjective) about
about-face (verb) a·bout-face
about-face (interjection) a·bout-face
about-face (noun) a·bout-face
above (adverb) above
above (preposition) above
above (noun) above
above (adjective) above
aboveboard (adverb) above·board
aboveboard (adjective) aboveboard
aboveground (adjective) above·ground
aboveground (adverb) aboveground
abracadabra (noun) ab·ra·ca·dab·ra
abracadabra (interjection) ab·ra·ca·dab·ra
abradable (adjective) abrad·able
abrade (verb) abrade
abrader (noun) abrad·er
Abraham (noun) Abra·ham
Abrahamic (adjective) A·bra·ham·ic
abrasion (noun) abra·sion
abrasive (adjective) abra·sive
abrasive (noun) abrasive
abrasively (adverb) abra·sive·ly
abrasiveness (noun) abra·sive·ness
abrazo (noun) a·bra·zo
abreact (verb) ab·re·act
abreaction (noun) ab·re·ac·tion
abreactive (adjective) ab·re·ac·tive
abreast (adverb) abreast
abreast (adjective) abreast
abridge (verb) abridge
abridgement (noun) abridge·ment
abridger (noun) abridg·er
abridgment (noun) abridg·ment
abroach (adverb) abroach
abroach (adjective) abroach
abroad (adverb) abroad
abroad (noun) a·broad
abroad (adjective) abroad
abrogate (verb) ab·ro·gate
abrogation (noun) ab·ro·ga·tion
abrupt (adjective) abrupt
abruption (noun) abrup·tion
abruptly (adverb) abrupt·ly
abruptness (noun) abrupt·ness
abscess (noun) ab·scess
abscessed (adjective) ab·scessed
abscise (verb) ab·scise
abscisin (noun) ab·sci·sin
abscissa (noun) ab·scis·sa
abscission (noun) ab·scis·sion
abscond (verb) ab·scond
absconder (noun) ab·scond·er
abseil (verb) ab·seil
abseil (noun) abseil
abseiler (noun) ab·seil·er
absence (noun) ab·sence
absent (adjective) ab·sent
absent (verb) ab·sent
absent (preposition) ab·sent
absentee (noun) ab·sen·tee
absentee (adjective) absentee
absenteeism (noun) ab·sen·tee·ism
absently (adverb) ab·sent·ly
absentminded (adjective) ab·sent·mind·ed
absentmindedly (adverb) ab·sent·mind·ed·ly
absentmindedness (noun) ab·sent·mind·ed·ness
absinth (noun) ab·sinth
absinthe (noun) ab·sinthe
absolute (adjective) ab·so·lute
absolute (noun) absolute
absolutely (adverb) ab·so·lute·ly
absoluteness (noun) ab·so·lute·ness
absolution (noun) ab·so·lu·tion
absolutism (noun) ab·so·lut·ism
absolutist (noun) ab·so·lut·ist
absolutist (adjective) ab·so·lut·ist
absolutistic (adjective) ab·so·lu·tis·tic
absolutive (adjective) ab·so·lu·tive
absolutization (noun) ab·so·lut·i·za·tion
absolutize (verb) ab·so·lut·ize
absolve (verb) ab·solve
absolver (noun) ab·solv·er
absonant (adjective) ab·so·nant

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