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m (noun) m
M (noun) M
m' (determiner possessive) m'
M-1 (noun) M-1
M-16 (noun) M-16
m-commerce (noun) m-com·merce
M-day (noun) M-day
ma (noun) ma
ma'am (noun) maam
ma-and-pa (adjective) ma-and-pa
maar (noun) maar
Maasai (noun) Maa·sai
Mab (noun) Mab
mac (noun) mac
Mac (noun) Mac
macabre (adjective) ma·ca·bre
macadam (noun) mac·ad·am
macadamed (adjective) mac·ad·amed
macadamia (noun) mac·a·da·mi·a
macadamize (verb) mac·ad·am·ize
Macanese (noun) Mac·a·nese
Macanese (adjective) Mac·a·nese
Macao (adjective) Ma·cao
macaque (noun) ma·caque
Macarena (noun) Ma·ca·re·na
Macaronesia (adjective) Mac·a·ro·ne·sia
Macaronesian (adjective) Mac·a·ro·ne·sian
macaroni (noun) mac·a·ro·ni
macaronic (adjective) mac·a·ron·ic
macaronic (noun) macaronic
macaroon (noun) mac·a·roon
Macassar (noun) Ma·cas·sar
Macassarese (noun) Ma·cas·sar·ese
macaw (noun) ma·caw
Macbeth (noun) Mac·beth
Maccabean (adjective) Mac·ca·be·an
Maccabees (noun) Mac·ca·bees
macchiato (noun) mac·chi·a·to
mace (noun) mace
mace (verb) mace
Mace (noun) Mace
Mace (verb) Mace
macédoine (noun) ma··doine
macédoine (noun) mac·é·doine
Macedonian (noun) Mac·e·do·nian
Macedonian (adjective) Mac·e·do·ni·an
macerate (verb) mac·er·ate
maceration (noun) mac·er·a·tion
macerator (noun) mac·er·a·tor
MacGuffin (noun) Mac·Guf·fin
Machabees (noun) Mach·a·bees
mache (noun) mache
macher (noun) mach·er
machete (noun) ma·chete
Machiavel (noun) Mach·i·a·vel
Machiavellian (adjective) Ma·chi·a·vel·lian
Machiavellian (noun) Machiavellian
Machiavellianism (noun) Ma·chi·a·vel·lian·ism
machicolate (verb) ma·chic·o·late
machicolated (adjective) ma·chic·o·lat·ed
machicolation (noun) ma·chic·o·la·tion
machinability (noun) ma·chin·abil·i·ty
machinable (adjective) ma·chin·able
machinate (verb) mach·i·nate
machination (noun) mach·i·na·tion
machinator (noun) mach·i·na·tor
machine (noun) ma·chine
machine (verb) machine
machine-gun (adjective) ma·chine-gun
machine-gunner (noun) ma·chine-gun·ner
machine-readable (adjective) machine-readable
machine-tooled (adjective) ma·chine-tooled
machinelike (adjective) ma·chine·like
machinery (noun) ma·chin·ery
machinist (noun) ma·chin·ist
machismo (noun) ma·chis·mo
Machmeter (noun) Mach·me·ter
macho (adjective) ma·cho
macho (noun) macho
macintosh (noun) mac·in·tosh
mack (noun) mack
mackerel (noun) mack·er·el
mackinaw (noun) mack·i·naw
mackintosh (noun) mack·in·tosh
mackle (noun) mack·le
macle (noun) ma·cle
macled (adjective) ma·cled
mâcon (noun) ·con
macramé (noun) mac·ra·
macramé (noun) mac·ra·
macro (adjective) mac·ro
macro (noun) macro
Macro-Siouan (noun) Mac·ro-Siou·an
Macro-Siouan (adjective) Mac·ro-Siou·an
macroaggregate (noun) mac·ro·ag·gre·gate
macroaggregated (adjective) mac·ro·ag·gre·gat·ed
macrobiotic (adjective) mac·ro·bi·ot·ic
macrobiotic (noun) mac·ro·bi·ot·ic
macrobiotics (noun) macrobiotics

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