The Open Full-Form Lexicon of English
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x (noun) x
x (verb) x
X (noun) X
X (verb) X
x-axis (noun) x-ax·is
x-coordinate (noun) x-co·or·di·nate
x-height (noun) x-height
x-intercept (noun) x-in·ter·cept
x-irradiation (noun) x-ir·ra·di·a·tion
X-irradiation (noun) X-ir·ra·di·a·tion
X-linked (adjective) X-linked
x-radiation (noun) x-ra·di·a·tion
X-rated (adjective) X-rat·ed
X-ray (noun) X-ray
X-ray (verb) X-ray
x-section (noun) x-sec·tion
x-sectional (adjective) x-sec·tion·al
Xanadu (noun) Xan·a·du
Xanax (noun) Xan·ax
xanthate (noun) xan·thate
xanthene (noun) xan·thene
xanthine (noun) xan·thine
Xanthippe (noun) Xan·thip·pe
xanthoma (noun) xan·tho·ma
xanthone (noun) xan·thone
xanthophyll (noun) xan·tho·phyll
Xantippe (noun) Xan·tip·pe
xebec (noun) xe·bec
Xeloda (noun) Xe·lo·da
Xenarthra (noun) Xe·nar·thra
xenarthran (noun) xe·nar·thran
xenia (noun) xe·nia
Xenical (noun) Xen·i·cal
xenobiotic (noun) xe·no·bi·ot·ic
xenobiotic (adjective) xenobiotic
xenocryst (noun) xen·o·cryst
xenodiagnosis (noun) xe·no·di·ag·no·sis
xenodiagnostic (adjective) xe·no·di·ag·nos·tic
xenogamous (adjective) xe·nog·a·mous
xenogamy (noun) xe·nog·a·my
xenogeneic (adjective) xe·no·ge·ne·ic
xenograft (noun) xe·no·graft
xenolith (noun) xe·no·lith
xenolithic (adjective) xe·no·lith·ic
xenologist (noun) xen·ol·o·gist
xenology (noun) xen·ol·o·gy
xenon (noun) xe·non
xenophile (noun) xe·no·phile
xenophobe (noun) xe·no·phobe
xenophobia (noun) xe·no·pho·bia
xenophobic (adjective) xe·no·pho·bic
xenophobically (adverb) xe·no·pho·bi·cal·ly
Xenopus (noun) Xe·no·pus
xenotime (noun) xen·o·time
xenotransplant (noun) xen·o·trans·plant
xenotransplantation (noun) xen·o·trans·plan·ta·tion
xenotropic (adjective) xe·no·tro·pic
Xer (noun) X·er
xeric (adjective) xe·ric
xeriscape (noun) xeri·scape
xeriscape (verb) xe·ri·scape
xeroderma (noun) xe·ro·der·ma
xerographic (adjective) xe·ro·graph·ic
xerographically (adverb) xe·ro·graph·i·cal·ly
xerography (noun) xe·rog·ra·phy
xerophile (adjective) xe·ro·phile
xerophile (noun) xer·o·phile
xerophilous (adjective) xe·roph·i·lous
xerophthalmia (noun) xe·roph·thal·mia
xerophthalmic (adjective) xe·roph·thal·mic
xerophyte (noun) xe·ro·phyte
xerophytic (adjective) xe·ro·phyt·ic
xeroradiography (noun) xe·ro·ra·di·og·ra·phy
xerothermic (adjective) xe·ro·ther·mic
xerox (verb) xe·rox
Xerox (noun) Xerox
Xerox (verb) Xerox
Xhosa (noun) Xho·sa
Xhosa (adjective) Xho·sa
xi (noun) xi
Xiang (noun) Xi·ang
xiphisternum (noun) xi·phi·ster·num
xiphoid (noun) xi·phoid
xiphoid (adjective) xiphoid
Xmas (noun) Xmas
XML (noun) XML
XOR (noun) XOR
xu (noun) xu
xylan (noun) xy·lan
xylem (noun) xy·lem
xylidine (noun) xy·li·dine
xylitol (noun) xy·li·tol
xylographic (adjective) xy·lo·graph·ic
xylography (noun) xy·log·ra·phy
xylophagous (adjective) xy·loph·a·gous
xylophone (noun) xy·lo·phone
xylophonic (adjective) xy·lo·phon·ic
xylophonist (noun) xy·lo·phon·ist
xylose (noun) xy·lose