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e (noun) e
E (noun) E
e (verb) e
e'en (contraction) een
e'er (contraction) eer
E-boat (noun) E-boat
e-book (noun) e-book
e-cash (noun) e-cash
e-commerce (noun) e-com·merce
E-fit (noun) E-fit
e-mail (noun) e-mail
e-mail (verb) e-mail
e-mailer (noun) e-mail·er
e-tail (noun) e-tail
e-tailer (noun) e-tail·er
e-tailing (noun) e-tail·ing
e-zine (noun) e-zine
each (determiner quantifier) each
each (pronoun) each
each (adverb) each
eager (adjective) ea·ger
eagerly (adverb) ea·ger·ly
eagerness (noun) ea·ger·ness
eagle (noun) ea·gle
eagle (verb) eagle
eagle-eyed (adjective) eagle-eyed
eaglet (noun) ea·glet
eagre (noun) ea·gre
ealdorman (noun) eal·dor·man
ear (noun) ear
ear (verb) ear
ear-piercing (adjective) ear-pierc·ing
ear-piercing (noun) ear-pierc·ing
ear-splitting (adjective) ear-split·ting
earache (noun) ear·ache
earbud (noun) ear·bud
eardrop (noun) ear·drop
eardrum (noun) ear·drum
eared (adjective) eared
earflap (noun) ear·flap
earful (noun) ear·ful
earhole (noun) ear·hole
earing (noun) ear·ing
earl (noun) earl
earldom (noun) earl·dom
earless (adjective) ear·less
earliness (noun) ear·li·ness
earlobe (noun) ear·lobe
earlock (noun) ear·lock
early (adverb) ear·ly
early (adjective) early
earlywood (noun) ear·ly·wood
earmark (noun) ear·mark
earmark (verb) earmark
earmuff (noun) ear·muff
earmuffs (noun) ear·muffs
earn (verb) earn
earner (noun) earn·er
earnest (noun) ear·nest
earnest (adjective) earnest
earnestly (adverb) ear·nest·ly
earnestness (noun) ear·nest·ness
earnings (noun) earn·ings
earphone (noun) ear·phone
earpiece (noun) ear·piece
earplug (noun) ear·plug
earring (noun) ear·ring
earshot (noun) ear·shot
earsplitting (adjective) ear·split·ting
earth (noun) earth
earth (verb) earth
earth-shattering (adjective) earth-shat·ter·ing
earth-shatteringly (adverb) earth-shat·ter·ing·ly
earth-sheltered (adjective) earth-shel·tered
earth-toned (adjective) earth-toned
earthborn (adjective) earth·born
earthbound (adjective) earth·bound
earthen (adjective) earth·en
earthenware (noun) earth·en·ware
earthily (adverb) earth·i·ly
earthiness (noun) earth·i·ness
earthlight (noun) earth·light
earthlike (adjective) earth·like
earthliness (noun) earth·li·ness
earthling (noun) earth·ling
earthly (adjective) earth·ly
earthmover (noun) earth·mov·er
earthmoving (noun) earth·mov·ing
earthmoving (adjective) earth·mov·ing
earthnut (noun) earth·nut
earthquake (noun) earth·quake
earthrise (noun) earth·rise
earthshaking (adjective) earth·shak·ing
earthshakingly (adverb) earth·shak·ing·ly
earthshine (noun) earth·shine
earthstar (noun) earth·star
earthward (adverb) earth·ward
earthwards (adverb) earth·wards
earthwork (noun) earth·work
earthworm (noun) earth·worm

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