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z (noun) z
Z (noun) Z
z-axis (noun) z-ax·is
z-coordinate (noun) z-co·or·di·nate
Z-DNA (noun) Z-DNA
Z-plasty (noun) Z-plas·ty
z-score (noun) z-score
z-test (noun) z-test
zabaglione (noun) za·ba·glio·ne
Zacharias (noun) Zach·a·ri·as
zaddik (noun) zad·dik
zaffer (noun) zaf·fer
zaftig (adjective) zaf·tig
zag (noun) zag
zag (verb) zag
zaibatsu (noun) zai·bat·su
zaire (noun) zaire
Zaire (adjective) Za·ire
Zairean (adjective) Za·ir·e·an
zakat (noun) za·kat
zakuska (noun) za·kus·ka
zalcitabine (noun) zal·cit·a·bine
Zambia (adjective) Zam·bi·a
Zambian (adjective) Zam·bi·an
Zambian (noun) Zam·bi·an
Zamboni (noun) Zam·bo·ni
zamia (noun) za·mia
zamindar (noun) za·min·dar
zamindari (noun) za·min·dari
Zande (noun) Zan·de
Zande (adjective) Zan·de
zander (noun) zan·der
zanily (adverb) za·ni·ly
zaniness (noun) za·ni·ness
Zantac (noun) Zan·tac
zany (noun) za·ny
zany (adjective) zany
Zanzibar (adjective) Zan·zi·bar
Zanzibari (noun) Zan·zi·bari
Zanzibari (adjective) Zan·zi·bari
zap (interjection) zap
zap (verb) zap
zap (noun) zap
zapateado (noun) za·pa·te·ado
zapateo (noun) za·pa·teo
Zapatista (noun) Za·pa·tis·ta
Zapotec (noun) Za·po·tec
Zapotec (adjective) Za·po·tec
zapper (noun) zap·per
zappy (adjective) zap·py
Zarathustra (adjective) Zar·a·thus·tra
Zarathustrian (adjective) Zar·a·thus·tri·an
zareba (noun) za·re·ba
zari (noun) za·ri
zariba (noun) za·ri·ba
zarzuela (noun) zar·zue·la
zayin (noun) za·yin
zazen (noun) za·zen
zeal (noun) zeal
zealot (noun) zeal·ot
zealotry (noun) zeal·ot·ry
zealous (adjective) zeal·ous
zealously (adverb) zeal·ous·ly
zealousness (noun) zeal·ous·ness
zeatin (noun) ze·a·tin
zeaxanthin (noun) ze·a·xan·thin
zebec (noun) ze·bec
zebra (noun) ze·bra
zebrano (noun) ze·brano
zebrawood (noun) ze·bra·wood
zebrine (adjective) ze·brine
zebrine (noun) ze·brine
zebu (noun) ze·bu
Zebulun (noun) Zeb·u·lun
zecchino (noun) zec·chi·no
Zechariah (noun) Zech·a·ri·ah
zechin (noun) ze·chin
zed (noun) zed
zedoary (noun) zed·o·a·ry
zee (noun) zee
zein (noun) ze·in
zeitgeber (noun) zeit·ge·ber
zeitgeist (noun) zeit·geist
Zelig (noun) Zel·ig
zelkova (noun) zel·ko·va
zemindar (noun) ze·min·dar
zemindary (noun) ze·min·dary
zemstvo (noun) zemst·vo
Zen (noun) Zen
zenana (noun) ze·na·na
Zend (noun) Zend
Zend-Avesta (noun) Zend-Aves·ta
Zener (noun) Ze·ner
zenith (noun) ze·nith
zenithal (adjective) ze·nith·al
zeolite (noun) ze·o·lite
zeolitic (adjective) ze·o·lit·ic
Zephaniah (noun) Zeph·a·ni·ah
zephyr (noun) zeph·yr
Zephyrus (noun) Zeph·y·rus

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